Natural Herbs for Coronavirus (COVID-19)
Here is a useful help for people who are infected with coronavirus
A team of international Eastern Medicine Practitioners is coming together to help people, who have infected with the coronavirus, by distributing natural herbal supplement called, “Balance (SoPung AnJungSan).” This herb formula has been formulated and developed by the Institute of Juheng Acupuncture & Moxibustion
The lead herbalist is the legendary, world-renown acupuncture doctor, Master Youn Koo Chung, a U.S. citizen who lives in Torrance, CA. The herbal supplement shows positive and speedy improvements for people who are infected by coronavirus, and any cold, or flu symptoms, from S. Korea and throughout the world by thousands of people who took the herbal supplements. The natural ingredients that are used in the formula are all natural and is known to be safe by herbalists and also confirmed by FDA registered manufacturer located in the U.S. The effectiveness of the herbal supplement follows the long history of Eastern medicine whose philosophy and principle are widely different than Bio-medicine in Western medicine.

Number of herbal supplements donated by WAM
Through sacrificial dedication of voluntarism, the volunteers of World Acupuncture MIssion (WAM), consisted primarily with international Eastern Medicine practitioner and acupuncture doctors, we have reached to people who are medically disadvantaged to bring healing to the nations. The effective treatment of acupuncture and herbs was used instrumentally for God’s glory around the world. Please visit our video library by clicking the link below to see the history of the mission trips. Thank you.
No cost distribution Ended
No cost distribution of the herbal formula (was called SoPung AnJungSan, now called “Balance”) has officially ended. In order to reach out to more people, the herbal supplement will be made as a product and be available. please contact us for detail. Thank you.
Actual Testimonies
A pastor from a church in Washington, “I tested positive with coronavirus, and I was in pain.”
A team of international Eastern Medicine Practitioners is coming together to help people, who have infected with the coronavirus, by distributing natural herbal supplement called, “Balance (SoPung AnJungSan).” This herb formula has been formulated and developed by the Institute of Juheng Acupuncture & Moxibustion (IJAM) The lead herbalist is the legendary, world-renown acupuncture doctor, Master Youn Koo Chung, a U.S. citizen who lives in Torrance, CA. The herbal supplement shows positive and speedy improvements for people who are infected by coronavirus, and any cold, or flu symptoms, from S. Korea and throughout the world by thousands of people who took the herbal supplements. The natural ingredients that are used in the formula are all natural and is known to be safe by herbalists and also confirmed by FDA registered manufacturer located in the U.S. The effectiveness of the herbal supplement follows the long history of Eastern medicine whose philosophy and principle are widely different than Bio-medicine in Western medicine.
30’s, female, New York, USA
I am a nurse working in a hospital. I had a high fever one day, and after that, I was suffering from extreme headache and muscle aches. I was fortunate enough to get the coronavirus test, and it came out positive. My condition was getting worse, and I heard about SoPung AnJungSan (Balance) through my friend’s recommendation. After two days my headache and muscle aches were minimized, and frequent chills also started to go away. After six days, I felt my immune system got stronger, and my taste and sense of smell came back as well. I was in terrible condition in both my mind and my body, but through the herbal supplement I was able to overcome my sick condition. I would highly recommend to those who need to boost their immune system and who are tested positive to coronavirus.
70 years old female, New York, USA
What I have been experiencing in New York is a state of horror. There are hundreds of people dying and people are building temporary burial place, and temporary clinics in the heart of Central Park. The political leaders are on TV constantly. Even with a slight coughing or headache people are over reacting, fearful, and restless. My mind and my body was getting tired and couldn’t sleep well at night. But after hearing about Balance, and taking it, I felt a sense of relief, and now I can sleep well at night. I am grateful for the opportunity to use the herbal supplement.
Age 78, Female, Orange County, CA “After I took the herbal supplement, I felt like my whole body was
I stayed in Korea for about two months because my daughter was having eye surgery. The coronavirus breakout started to happen in Korea. I was worried because I had some concerning symptoms. When I got back to the State, my health was rapidly declining. I started to have continuous coughing with breathing difficulties and whole-body muscle aching. I wanted to see my doctor, but she diagnosed my symptoms over the phone and told me to stay home. I was lost. I didn’t know where to get help. My fear was that not just me, but infecting other family members. Fortunately, I was introduced to SoPung AnJungSan (Balance). When I took the first pack of the herbal supplement, I felt like my body was washed from inside to outside, head to toe, and after taking it for six days, all my symptoms disappeared except occasional minor cough. I am so grateful that I was able to get the herbal supplement provided by the WAM practitioners.
-Hui.S. Fullerton, CA
S.N. 46 years old female, Bayside, NY, USA
I am writing this letter to support the Natural Herbs for COVID-19. I had diagnosed positive COVID-19 in early April 2020. I had been suffering by fever, body ache and shorten breaths. I had a cough too. In the night time, symptoms were more severe and bothered me a lot, I could not sleep because of pain. I got this Natural Herbs for COVID-19 from my pastor and have been taken last 8 days. After 3 days, my symptoms were getting better. No more fever and body ache after 3 days taking this medicine. Now I do not have any symptoms. I think that this Natural Herbs for COVID-19 helped my immune system and help to get over my COVID-19 virus. Also, my mother who is 70 years old and has diabetes, high blood pressure, high cholesterol, has been taken this medicine. She is living with me, but she does not have any COVID-19. I think this medicine help to prevent COVDI-19 as well. Please help to produce more this great Natural Herbs for COVID-19. Thank you.
Sincerely yours, -S.
50 years old male, Fullerton, CA, USA
I was pretty confident about my health and I didn’t really think a big deal out of the whole situation with coronavirus, and I was careless about wearing a mask of some sort. I started to develop headaches, fever, runny nose and coughing. My wife who wouldn’t even go outside after the virus outbreak also started to have severe muscle pains, and she complained of being tired. I have a special needs child who stayed home, along with two daughters, so I started to worry. I started on Balance and after about 3 days all the symptoms are gone from both of us. And we feel healthy again and no more worries. Thank you.
20’s Female, New York, USA
I work as a pharmacist in New York. Many of my co-workers are absent due to calling in for sick. I was working overtime, and as I hear people who are working in the same building identified as positive with coronavirus, I was afraid. I am not sure but due to being tired I started to have a soar throat, but after taking Balance, I am well now. There was no side effects after taking Balance.
Mr. Lee from Seattle, USA
I had a headache, sore throat, and pain all over my body like the severe flu. I also started to have a problem with breathing. I called my doctor to consult my condition, he didn’t authorize me to come into the hospital, instead of that, he prescribed drugs to help to ease breathing and flue symptoms. I was extremely worried about my family who lives with me that they might be infected. After four days, I started to develop a fever on my head, and my breathing condition became worse, and as I was battling with this sickness, I started to fear of possible death. I was introduced to SoPung AnJungSan (Balance) through a missionary. After three days of taking it, my pains, headache, coughing improved significantly to the point that my appetite returned and I could eat well, and I have energy now for going out for a walk. After six days of taking the herbal supplement, all my symptoms are gone, and I started to sleep well at night as well. I am truly grateful for this herbal supplement and how it helped me while I was lost in the midst of all the pains. I wish that more people can hear about it and benefit from the herbal supplement in this challenging time with coronavirus.
51 years old female, Mrs. Han New York, USA
I thought my husband had flu. But after two weeks, he started to have severe difficulty with breathing, and he couldn’t eat anything. So we went into ER, and he was tested positive with coronavirus, and he was admitted to the hospital. Because I was next to him trying to take care of him while he was home, I started to develop concerning symptoms. My whole body felt like someone was pricking me with needles, and I had a severe headache that is 2-3 times stronger than normal headaches. The only thing I relied on was Tylenol, and the deacon from my church told me about SoPung AnJungSan (Balance). I was concerned about my daughter as well, so we started to take the herbal supplements together. After about three days, my headaches were gone, and my pain was gone too. After about five days, I felt well overall. Only if I knew about this herbal supplement, I would definitely give it to my husband, but I can’t give it to him because even family is not allowed to see once the patient is admitted to the hospital. I benefited tremendously from the herbal supplement. Thank you so much for those who worked to make this wonderful remedy available. I would highly recommend to those who are concerned and suffering from coronavirus.
59 years old Male, Anaheim, CA, USA
I had some symptoms of flu, and after taking Balance, my symptoms disappeared within a few days. Usually, when I have flu-like symptoms, it lasts 7-10 days. A lot of people are fearful due to coronavirus, I feel confident that I have access to this helpful herbal formula. I pray for peace and love for people who are volunteering for WAM as they pursue their endeavors to help people.
A female nurse working in a nursing home, USA
Hello, I am a nurse working in nursing home. I was afraid that I might be infected. The number of infected patients continue to grow inside the facility, and on April 12, I felt my condition wasn’t normal. I started to have symptoms of headache, nausea, sore throat, nasal discharge, and sneezing. Since I was exposed to infected patients, I decided to test for the virus. After two days, I was confirmed positive. So I decided to take the herbal supplement, and my symptoms started to go away. I am asked to stay home, and even though I was infected with the virus, I recovered without trouble through the herbal supplement. I am fully confident that SoPung AnJungSan (Balance) can help people as a preventive measurement and also helps people to get well from the symptoms. I am grateful to WAM who sent me the herbal supplement.
50’s female, M.J. from New Jersey, USA
I was able to get SoPung AnJungSan (Balance) through WAM and took the herbal supplement for six days. I started to notice my allergy symptoms, sore throat, and also runny nose went away. I highly urge people to get Balance whether you are infected with coronavirus or not. I believe there are tremendous health benefits.
Click here to see more Testimonies
A Letter from Juheng Eastern Medicine practitioners
A Letter to the U.S. from Institute of Jehung Acupuncture & Moxibustion medical practitioners
Coronavirus has become an international crisis because it has threatened the health, safety, and stability of the economy’s infrastructure. There is an herbal supplement found to strengthen the immunity and human body functions.
The cause of any type of virus outbreak, including coronavirus, can be explained from the standpoint of Eastern Medicine. One of the main factors contributing to the cause of an epidemic stems from the effects of climate change and how our immune system responds to the changing environment. Climate change affects most living organisms. It can have a positive impact, but also could cause a condition that can facilitate disease in the human body, such as we are experiencing with coronavirus. Globally, many individuals have tested positive for the virus, but it is not clearly understood how each became infected. Some reported that coronavirus exposure originated from the consumption of wild bats. However, eating wild bats has been a cultural practice in Wuhan for centuries, and there had been no reports of the coronavirus until now.
Individuals who have a strong immunity are equipped with the resilience they need to ward off disease. From an Eastern Medical perspective, immunity refers to the strength of the natural defense mechanism in our body and mind, which comes balanced flow of “Ki,” inside and outside of our body. Ki is the invisible energy that regulates the total body system that is a central force to maintain a stable and healthy condition in the human body and mind. And the strength of the defensive ‘Ki’ is dependent on the stability of Ki that flows in our body. Therefore, Eastern medicine’s core medical practice of treating disease has been focused on restoring and keeping a healthy balance of Ki through acupuncture treatment and usage of natural herbs. The natural herbs are known to have healing elements of ki that comes from the nature itself. The herbs that are used to make the formula are known to be safe throughout the history of Eastern medicine, and have multiple health benefits. The herbal formula can be developed only by highly skilled (the one who realized the principle of Eastern medicine) practitioners. Our institute have a long track of history of formulating different types of herbal formulas that have contributed a global health to many countries around the world. You can be confident that the herbal formula we developed is effective and safe to promote overall health and increase the immunity and balance of your body and mind to fight off against what causes sickness and diseases.
“SoPung AnJungSan” (now called “Balance) is useful in that it boosts one’s immunity to act against viruses invading the human body rather than attacking the virus itself. There have been many successful outcomes seen in clinical cases where the use of Balance was recommended. It can be used as a preventative measure and an herbal supplement to facilitate wellness. We are hearing thousands of people who have benefited from the herbal supplements that are truly remarkable.
It is our hope and prayer that the coronavirus outbreak will soon pass and that the Institute of Juheng Oriental Medicine can contribute to expediting wellness and healing globally from this devastating pandemic. We hope for speedy recovery for those who are suffering with the coronavirus, and contribute to be back to normal life sooner. Thank you!

If you have tested positive for coronavirus
Contact one of the numbers below
If you want to consult with one of the acupuncture doctors who are serving as volunteers, please contact us, Due to the number of inquiries, we limit to provide consultation to those who tested positive with coronavirus. Thank you for your understanding.
For General Inquiries, please call 714-873-8724

More about SoPung AnJungSan (Balance)
Natural Herbs that strengthens our body and mind by restoring the balance
“Balance” is an herbal supplement that is available in powder form, made purely from natural herbs. It is important to note that Balance herbal supplement was not made to treat any particular sickness or disease but to boost the immune system naturally to help restore and maintain a healthy “Ki” balance in body, mind, and environment, which is a key concept of Eastern medicine in human health. The natural herbs are generally considered to be dietary supplements that benefit health in Asia and many other parts of the countries like in Europe and South America. In other words, “Food is medicine” according to Eastern Medicine philosophy. And there are no chemicals used, so it’s rather strange to look at it as a drug or medication. We happen to witness from South Korea and in the USA, people who used Balance experience significant improvements related to COVID-19 increasingly. Since it’s pure herbs, it is safe to consume, and there are little to no side effects known to people who tried the herb formula. Right vaccine or drug could be used as a defense mechanism, Balance herbal supplement is on the defense side, a powerful defense.
The regional epidemic or plague is not a stranger in the past history. It’s interesting to note that even thousands of years ago, ancient medical manuscripts record epidemic or plague caused by, “MI Se Kyung Choong,” meaning “Hard to see light-weighed bugs.” It makes sense like bugs have a self-directed will and they can run and hide, and attach people, modern sciences are discussing the possibility virus as a living, life-form that potentially has some level of intelligence like bugs. And this minor intelligence germ or virus possess, they could mutate, adapt, hide, co-exist within our body system. Our body already have tens of thousands of virus, bacteria, and germs. Some are beneficial and promote health in our body, and some are harmful. It would be extremely challenging to develop a vaccine to identify each virus that are harmful, and also to effectively eliminate the virus.
There is a large percentage of the population who have not been affected even they live in the infected area. Also, if those individuals were infected, they displayed minor symptoms and recovered quickly within a few days. These individuals show that they have strong immunity and balanced “Ki.” In Eastern medicine, “Ki” is a life force that is central to maintain a healthy body and mind.
It is our sincere wish that Balance can help to fight and end the war against this pandemic sooner with less suffering. Due to limited quantities of Balance and financial support, we are prioritizing to send out the supplement to those individuals who could benefit from it the most, which are the ones tested positive and those family members who live in the same residence or are their primary care providers.
World Acupuncture Mission (WAM) is an official Non-Profit organization registered in the U.S., and a humanitarian mission organization consisting mainly of Eastern Medicine Acupuncture practitioners from South Korea and the U.S. Since 1997. WAM’s selfless mission work has made a positive impact around the globe through volunteering hearts that heal through the use of acupuncture and herbal supplements.
The Juheng Eastern Medicine is based on Eastern philosophy and well-founded in the theory of “One Origin Three Universal Principle,” which is the essential theory and mastery of Juheng Eastern Medicine. The Institute of Juheng Acupuncture and Moxibustion (IJAM) is an association that trains Juheng Oriental Medical practitioners who are in the U.S. and S. Korea, and supports them in academic and clinical research. Our goal is to enlighten the public with the most informational publications of research and to provide high-quality Eastern medical services to maintain public health and well-being.
For more information from S. Korea, on how Eastern medical practitioners are using, “SoPung AnJungSan,” and testimonials, Click Here.

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World Acupuncture Mission
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23720 Arlington Avenue, Suite #1 Torrance, California 90501, United States
General Inquiry: English: 714-873-8724
Email Address: [email protected]
For more Information
To learn more about the herbal supplement and how Eastern medical doctors in S. Korea are helping people, click the button below.
Petition Link
We have herbal supplements that can help people who are infected with coronavirus, yet it’s very hard to get the words out to reach more people who need what we have. Please sign the petition below and help us to get the words out. Thank you.
If you are inspired to support our cause, please make your contribution. You can donate by either Credit Cards, or Check. We will be delighted to help more people. Thank you.