Through sacrificial dedication of voluntarism, the volunteers of World Acupuncture MIssion (WAM), consisted primarily with international Eastern Medicine practitioner and acupuncture doctors, we have reached to people who are medically disadvantaged to bring healing to the nations. The effective treatment of acupuncture and herbs was used instrumentally for God's glory around the world. Please visit our video library by clicking the link below to see the history of the mission trips. Thank you.
23720 Arlington Avenue, Suite #1 Torrance, California 90501, United States
General Inquiry: English: 714-873-8724 Email Address:
To learn more about the herbal supplement and how Eastern medical doctors in S. Korea are helping people, click the button below.
We have herbal supplements that can help people who are infected with coronavirus, yet it's very hard to get the words out to reach more people who need what we have. Please sign the petition below and help us to get the words out. Thank you.
If you are inspired to support our cause, please make your contribution. You can donate by either Credit Cards, or Check. We will be delighted to help more people. Thank you.
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